Successful Spin-offs
LifeLabs Design
Thermoregulation Textiles
In the spring of 2021, EEnotech launched Lifelabs Design. LifeLabs Design's patent-pending low-emissivity technology enables the maximum body heat through data-based selection of every detail. Their jackets are 40+% warmer than any regular lightweight jacket, are highly breathable, windproof and rainproof.
Energy Storage Technology
In the spring of 2020, EEnotech launched EnerVenue: a simple, safe, long-lasting and maintenance-free energy storage proven over decades of use in extreme conditions. EnerVenue batteries operate in -40 to +60C ambient temperature with a 30+ year lifespan and 30K+ full cycles without degradation or usage restrictions.
Currently Incubating

Water Treatment
EEnotech creates new, effective and powerful processes for bio-pathogen disinfection and heavy metal removal to improve the quality of water for a wide range of applications, including potable drinking water, industrial and municipal use.

Energy-Saving Wallpaper
More than 12% of the world's total energy consumption is contributed to indoor space heating and cooling. EEnotech commercializes its patented warming/cooling wallcovering technology to reduce energy demand in the building envelopes, and to accelerate the proliferation of net-zero-carbon buildings.
We’d like to talk with you.
If you are an investor or a company that is looking for game-changing technologies in the clean nanotechnology field, we would like to talk with you.